Babes Ride 'N Rage '17
Posted on September 16 2017
Babes Ride 'N Rage 2017
Babes Ride 'N Rage is a weekend ride to campout for women in Ontario. With an organizer from Toronto, and the other, Ottawa, they wanted to get all the Northern babes together to head out for a serene and perfect weekend on two wheels.
Jodi, co-owner of Spoke & Dagger Co. missed this event last year because of The Gypsy Run, and she promised herself she wouldn't miss it again. Jodi had met about 15 of the Toronto ladies last year at The Fox Run, when she joined them for the ride as they passed through Buffalo. Staying in touch through social media and seeing a few of them throughout the year, she was really looking forward to reconnecting, catching up, and meeting new northern neighbors on this trip.
Jodi was packed up and ready to head out that Thursday morning. Her plan was to get to Toronto to spend the night and then head to Field, Ontario the next morning with her crew. Chris, Jodi's husband thought she was nuts as she got on her bike, decked in her rain gear, and head out as it started to downpour, thunder, lightning, and then hail. Lets just say, Jodi is not a fair weather rider. She tells me that she is cursed on her long rides. She never leaves without rain gear because she always gets hit.

She was solo on her trip from Buffalo to Toronto, in which it poured the whole 2 hours, but made a stop in Mississauga to dry out and have lunch with one of the ladies she would meet up with for the ride the next day. Magda is a star in the kitchen and grows her own veggies. She made this amazing meal for Jodi and it's just what she needed after a beat down by mother nature.

Her next stop was in an Italian section of TO where her friend Michelle lives. Their beautiful new home was where Jodi would stay the first night. Jodi instantly bonded with her cat and the two (Michelle & Jodi) grabbed dinner then got a good night sleep for their ride in the morning.
They met at a gas station en route to Field, Ontario to meet up with the other ladies. There was a 6 hour route ahead on a chilly windy day but they all were excited to reunite.
Northern Canada is no joke, absolutely stunning. The amount of river ways or lakes they passed was such a sight. Jodi was floored by the moose crossing signs and the accent of locals as they continued the trip. This was the most north she has ever been. The leaves had already turned and it was a cold crisp day.
They made it! Field, Ontario for Babes Ride 'N Rage. Let the raging begin!
This was an properly organized event with a communal fire, cooking supplies, food truck, sauna, kayaks, games, raffles, snacks, beer, and more!
The first night got FREEZING when the sun went down. It's in all caps for a reason! Each girl froze in their tents. Jodi doesn't do well with the cold and sat up googling hotels in the middle of the night but the closest one was 45 minutes away, and I doubt she would have got on her bike to head there even if it was 2 minutes away.
Although the nights were cold, the days were beautiful and sunny. We took advantage by heading into town the next morning to check out this amazing gluten free bakery and a cute little breakfast diner.
While at breakfast, the conversation revolved around cultural differences such as food, words, and ways of life. We realized at our breakfast table, three countries were represented. Jodi from the U.S, Madga, Michelle, & Joanna from Canada, and Joli from the U.K.
Following their morning stop, they jet to a Canadian Tire and stocked up on hand warmers. They learned their lesson from the night before. $40 worth of hand warmers to shove in their sleeping bags for the night. They also made a plan to triple up in their tents for body heat. It worked and was a much warmer night.
Back at the campsite, the beautiful day continued by kayaking and just hanging on the shore.
The night got cold again so they bundled up for campfires, raffles, s'morse and hotdogs. The real party began! They drank to stay warm : )
Jodi also learned what the Rage part of Ride 'N Rage stood for. There was a piñata filled with candy for them to break open. The only rule was that it had to be punched or kicked open.
On Sunday morning, everyone packed up and headed their own ways home. Larger groups split up into scenic routes or a more direct shot. Jodi headed back for Buffalo and tried to get home before sun down. (mission accomplished)
"The ladies that put on and attend Babes Ride 'N Rage are the absolute best. Fun, adventurous, bad ass women. I haven't laughed as hard as I have with them in a long time. Their spunk for two wheels is contagious. The serene campground in the middle of nowhere was exactly what I needed to end out my summer riding/camping trips. I can not wait until next year! I just have to recruit some Buffalo babes to make the trek with me." - Jodi
Photos By: @paintmewinter @chrisxdrew @jennbtz @danielleeshepherd @mou_fette @_melby @infinite.drift @ridingdiva