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NCMC Field Days

Posted on August 29 2019

This past Sunday was Niagara County Motorcycle Club’s Field Meet. This is one of our personal favorite events of the year. Just rolling up to the place is an adventure in itself if you’ve never been. About 30 minutes north of the city of Buffalo, off Ridge Rd. you will find a "Motorcycles Only" sign pointing down a narrow dirt path. Take this roughly a half mile back to a small acre or acre and a half clearing. Pay the entrance fee and with that, you get a handful of drink tickets to exchange at the bar. I'd like to think you have the option to park your bike in general parking or line it up in the show bike row, but I think the guys at the entrance tells you where to park haha! (Clearly I didn't pay attention to them.)
I’d say this year there were 250-350 bikes crammed into this small setting. We found our spots, I seem to always get a VIP spot as I have no kickstand on my bike, anywhere I can lean it - the flag pole, side of the building, a buddies bike. 
As soon as we got our bearing we decided to get some food, a great deal. $10 meal including 2 pork sliders, corn, potatoes and smoked mac'n'cheese! We shot the shit with friends and some of the local guys we don’t get to see as often. 2 o'clock sharp started the games.. now this is the reason we all go, majority of the day is motorcycle games and it’s a ton of fun to participate! Slow race, keg push, kickstart race, egg snatch, wiener bite, burnout pit, tug'o'war and plank race. If you claim to ride, nows your time to step up to the plate.
All competitive egos aside, the games are a ton of fun - win or lose you’ll have a great time. Trophies are handed out for the winners.. everyone else, there’s always next year to try again. This year Jodi and I took home the Egg Snatch trophy, basically you have 4 cones to slalom through on your bike while whoever is on the back picks up eggs off the cones and then, after a u-turn, places them back on the top of the cones. All without either putting a foot down or breaking an egg. All though the bike we rode looks crazy, it’s got a low center of gravity and a long wheel base helps with balancing as turning bars left and right tremendously changes the balance point making it the ideal bike for these kinds of games. 

Although we were very tired from the Buffalo Shuffle weekend (we rode straight from it, as did many others there that day) we ended up staying the entire time, participating in all the games and having a great time. 

Plan on this for next year! We will have a date, time and location posted on our events page on our website! YOU DONT WANT TO MISS IT!!!


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