Gypsy Run 2019
Posted on September 24 2019

Walter, owner of Kickstart Cycle Supply has put on this event for the past 12 years or so, started in 2007 and only took 1 year as a hiatus after the 10th in a row campout. I’m assuming to regain composure and bring it back bigger and better. It’s always been a grass roots, ride out, campout, party and play games, then ride home. This year he brought on vendors, live music, late night movies and a new rule (which I personally love) no vehicles other than bikes parked in the camping areas. Weed 'em out Walter!!!
This years campout out was exactly as I expected, a really great time! I along with Craig and Tyler showed up late Friday night after majority of our friends rolled out early in the day. Our frozen bodies were greeted with a hot fire and pizza! Everyone seemed pretty tired and most of us were in bed by 130am.
Saturday was a very relaxed start. Woke up around 8, sat by the fire sippin' coffee 'til about 10. Once everyone was up and ready we hit the road, Hawks Nest bound, but first... BREAKFAST! We ate at a small diner close to the campground, unfortunately our favorite place The Heron was closed. Next time!!
We hit the road at about noon. 8 or so bikes deep, a beautiful ride down the banks of the Delaware River. If you’ve never been down 97 through Narrowsburg to Hawks Nest, I suggest you plan a trip! It’s gorgeous!

Once at our destination we took some photos, hung out and shot the shit, a local PD had one of their boys on the scene and that kinda put a damper on the fun that could of been had there. It’s about a 1/4 mile stretch of super curvy roads with a 100 ft+ drop off on the other side of the stone guard rail. Makes for some sweet footage! Unfortunately the fuzz had all day and we did not, after about an hour we headed back to the campground as games were soon to start. Couple of us did literally 100 all the way back. Gave us a good 10 min wait for the rest of the group once we were back. Our favorite part of any chopper party is chopper games and Walter had a good handful of different shenanigans to be apart of.
Minibike flat track, axe throwing, motorcycle tire ring toss, kayak pull race (above), and the kickstart race. I tried my hand in a couple, and ended up pulling a W in the mini bike flat track!
Tyler chucked a bullseye in axe throwing and by a split hair missed a sticker target in the center worth 100 bucks! One of the judges mistook it for a hit and handed him the Hundo, unfortunately the crowd had the keener eye of course and he was forced to give it back, the judge being a good sport tossed him a 20 just for his misjudgment!

After all the games came to an end Walter raffled off a 1989 xl883 which looked to be straight off the showroom floor it was so clean! Beer at the campground was running low so we borrowed the kickstart cycles mini truck and headed into town with donations from everyone at camp we came back with a bed full of 30 packs! We finished the night off with our usual campfire tea party, reflected on life, friendship, goals and opportunities!
Always a great time!